Squat Challenge: Stop Doing Things You’ve Mastered

2024-03-28T17:03:40+11:00By |Mobility, Strength & Lean Muscle|

Crystal clear blue waters met with sun-kissed, sandy beaches. Lazy morning walks, afternoon siestas and lavishly delectable dinners. These are the images we conjure when we hear the word ‘holiday’. Am I right? But what if we precede the word with ‘squat’? [...]

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15 Reasons Why You Should Learn to Juggle Today

2024-03-28T17:12:17+11:00By |Mindfulness, Mobility, Strength & Lean Muscle|

Athletes who can solve complex motor problems succeed more. Sure the motor patterns are somewhat specific so the less your sport looks like juggling the less directly beneficial it will be. Specific for cricketers, not so specific for curling or [...]

Low Inflammation Training: Is Less Really More?

2024-03-28T17:13:15+11:00By |Mobility, Strength & Lean Muscle|

You know when you have to get a workout in, but for some reason, your body just ain’t feelin it? I’m not talking about those who happily trade the gym for the couch and Netflix. I’m referring to the doers [...]

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A Trainer’s Role: Starting Your Journey

2024-03-28T17:23:49+11:00By |Mindfulness, Mobility, Strength & Lean Muscle|

Do you remember the last time you started something new? Were you nervous, hesitant, and just looking for a place to fit in, or were you really excited and bursting with enthusiasm? I’ve witnessed a multitude of starting points, both [...]

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Nine Life-Changing Lessons from The Ultimate Coaches Camp

2024-03-28T17:27:36+11:00By |Mobility, Strength & Lean Muscle|

There was a point in time we all believed we could change the world, but ultimately this zest for success fizzled away with societal pressures and underachiever cultural paradigms. A small minority of people have managed to keep that zest. [...]

Mobility – You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone

2024-03-28T17:42:35+11:00By |Mobility|

Have you ever been channel surfing during the Olympics and landed on the weight lifting? I think everyone at some point has taken a sneak peak at that freak show! Surely I’m not the only one to notice that these [...]

10 Ways to Prepare for Injury Prevention

2024-03-28T18:06:26+11:00By |Mobility, Strength & Lean Muscle|

Reduce Inflammation This term is thrown around often without a real understanding of what it actually means. In simple terms, inflammation is defined as the initial response of the body to harmful stimuli. Everything from DOMS to having too many [...]

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