About Bianca Stuurman

Name is Bianca; but will respond to B. I'm a Senior Fitness Consultant at 5EW with a Bachelor of Exercise Science. I’m really passionate about strength, human connection, a desire to thrive, helping others recognise their potential, and nourishing food. In an ever confusing and changing health and fitness industry, I hope to bring you truth, help you forge an unwavering belief in yourself, and see your best self as you truly are. x

Glow’d Up: The Gut + Skin Connection

2024-03-28T15:25:51+11:00By |Nutrition & Gut Health|

Let’s face it. We have been socially conditioned by the media, social media and Hollywood that how we look, is a priority. And while I personally don’t think that there’s anything wrong with caring about our physical appearance, I do [...]

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The Stress/Fertility Conundrum

2024-03-28T16:14:55+11:00By |Mindfulness, Nutrition & Gut Health|

Stress. There’s that word again. But what does it actually mean and how does it relate to fertility? The dictionary definition of bad stress is: “A state of mental or emotional strain resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances.” Doesn’t sound [...]

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Empowered Through Positive Pain: My Birth Journey

2024-03-28T16:15:33+11:00By |Our Features|

I’m not sure about other mums or mums-to-be out there, but I think most of the time as we move through pregnancy and towards birth we've got a rough idea of how we’d like our birthing experience to go. We [...]

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Is Your Perception Holding You Back from Getting Results?

2024-03-28T17:00:26+11:00By |Mindfulness, Strength & Lean Muscle|

Glass half empty or half full? Depends on how you look at it. Critical feedback: personal attack or an opportunity for growth? Most likely influenced by your particular mood on the day or how you choose to view and analyse [...]

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Strictly Women’s Business: Training Around the Female Cycle

2024-03-28T17:01:04+11:00By |Strength & Lean Muscle|

The alarm isn’t your friend today. It’s a reminder you’re feeling more fatigued than usual. You get to work and for some reason everyone is pissing you off just that little bit extra. You find yourself dreaming about Pana Chocolate [...]

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