Squat Challenge: Stop Doing Things You’ve Mastered

2024-03-28T17:03:40+11:00By |Mobility, Strength & Lean Muscle|

Crystal clear blue waters met with sun-kissed, sandy beaches. Lazy morning walks, afternoon siestas and lavishly delectable dinners. These are the images we conjure when we hear the word ‘holiday’. Am I right? But what if we precede the word with ‘squat’? [...]

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Optimal or the Declining ‘Norm’: Where Are You Taking Your Health?

2024-03-28T17:04:33+11:00By |Detoxification, Nutrition & Gut Health, Strength & Lean Muscle|

For many of us, having a deep and complex understanding of our body and what's truly taking place inside this magical thing often happens way too late. Disease is a huge wake up call for many, allowing them to reflect [...]

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15 Reasons Why You Should Learn to Juggle Today

2024-03-28T17:12:17+11:00By |Mindfulness, Mobility, Strength & Lean Muscle|

Athletes who can solve complex motor problems succeed more. Sure the motor patterns are somewhat specific so the less your sport looks like juggling the less directly beneficial it will be. Specific for cricketers, not so specific for curling or [...]

Low Inflammation Training: Is Less Really More?

2024-03-28T17:13:15+11:00By |Mobility, Strength & Lean Muscle|

You know when you have to get a workout in, but for some reason, your body just ain’t feelin it? I’m not talking about those who happily trade the gym for the couch and Netflix. I’m referring to the doers [...]

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Against the Grain: Why Everyone Should Avoid Gluten

2024-03-28T17:14:48+11:00By |Nutrition & Gut Health, Strength & Lean Muscle|

Some might say the Gluten Free Movement is just another fad in the ever-changing food fashion world. But is there more to it than that? Should everyone avoid gluten or just those who test positive for Coeliac disease or non-Coeliac [...]

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4 Mind-Melting Days with The Ice-Man, Wim Hof

2024-03-28T17:23:34+11:00By |Mindfulness, Strength & Lean Muscle|

Day 1: On August 3rd, myself and a few 5EW coaches drove down to Airey's Inlet to participate in something unique, a method of life enhancement developed by a peculiar Dutchman named Wim Hof. Wim, 57, has claimed 26 world [...]

A Trainer’s Role: Starting Your Journey

2024-03-28T17:23:49+11:00By |Mindfulness, Mobility, Strength & Lean Muscle|

Do you remember the last time you started something new? Were you nervous, hesitant, and just looking for a place to fit in, or were you really excited and bursting with enthusiasm? I’ve witnessed a multitude of starting points, both [...]

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True Survivors: What I Learned from the Inuits

2024-03-28T17:25:26+11:00By |Nutrition & Gut Health, Strength & Lean Muscle|

For a long time I've been fascinated with the Inuits of The Far North. While I'm intrigued in how all cultures have survived over time, the native people of Greenland have captivated me the most. How can anybody survive in [...]

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