Acetylcholine: The Secret Talent

2024-03-28T16:59:08+11:00By |Nutrition & Gut Health, Strength & Lean Muscle|

Remember school? Remember that one kid who kicked everyone’s butt when it came to sports? They could out-lift, out-run, out-swim and out-do anyone. Ever wondered why despite all your effort, you could you never compete on this person’s level? It [...]

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Know Your Neurotransmitters: Dopamine

2024-03-28T17:01:22+11:00By |Nutrition & Gut Health|

Know someone who’s always on the go? An individual with an extreme amount of motivation, unfazed by fatigue and lack of sleep? Dopamine is our neurotransmitter that instils energy, action and addiction, and is our main source of reward. Although [...]

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Navigating the Charlatan Supplement Industry

2024-03-28T17:02:23+11:00By |Nutrition & Gut Health, Strength & Lean Muscle|

We all know that one person who clings to the newest supplements and every bit of health advice they can get. Whether it’s green powder, whey protein or exotic wild-african black seed oil grown high up in the mountains of [...]

Optimal or the Declining ‘Norm’: Where Are You Taking Your Health?

2024-03-28T17:04:33+11:00By |Detoxification, Nutrition & Gut Health, Strength & Lean Muscle|

For many of us, having a deep and complex understanding of our body and what's truly taking place inside this magical thing often happens way too late. Disease is a huge wake up call for many, allowing them to reflect [...]

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Know Your Neurotransmitters: Serotonin

2024-03-28T17:11:10+11:00By |Nutrition & Gut Health|

When I think of serotonin, I picture happiness. Big Pharma has successfully marketed serotonin as our joyful neurotransmitter. With it, thoughts of happiness, love and enjoyment are profound. Therefore, we can piece together what happens when serotonin is low, but [...]

Know Your Neurotransmitters: GABA

2024-03-28T17:11:18+11:00By |Nutrition & Gut Health|

Many of you, myself included, have spent nights tossing and turning, a hamster wheel of thoughts stopping your tired soul from sleep. It can be a frustrating process, especially when you’ve made efforts to remedy the problem, such as magnesium [...]

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