The Acceptance We Crave
When I first decided I wanted to get into the fitness industry, I have to admit my motives were completely and utterly aesthetically driven. I wanted to be ripped. I wanted people to look at me when I walked down [...]
When I first decided I wanted to get into the fitness industry, I have to admit my motives were completely and utterly aesthetically driven. I wanted to be ripped. I wanted people to look at me when I walked down [...]
Pre-reading: the story of my life-changing journey to India and my 3,000 word paper on the benefits of yoga. I have practiced Vinyasa and Hatha Yoga for 6 years and during that time I have learned a lot about my body. [...]
The tradition of yoga has advanced humankind for thousands of years. Originating from India, the lineage of yoga can be traced back to the Vedic Tradition, around 5000 B.C.E. Then, ancient rishis and sages would practice simple forms of yoga, [...]
Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Five rings of the bell. It’s 5 am at Anand Prakash Ashram in the holy city of Rishikesh, India. My roommate stumbles to the bathroom and turns on the light so we don’t fall back [...]
Glass half empty or half full? Depends on how you look at it. Critical feedback: personal attack or an opportunity for growth? Most likely influenced by your particular mood on the day or how you choose to view and analyse [...]
From years of consulting in the fitness industry I've met thousands of people who've fallen into their own nasty trap. I’m talking about those who demolish work all day, and then take it home and hustle late into the evening [...]
We all recognise words such as Serotonin and Dopamine, but what are they? What do they do? At 5th Element Wellness, not only do we focus on gut health and particular training methods when coaching a client to results, we [...]
Athletes who can solve complex motor problems succeed more. Sure the motor patterns are somewhat specific so the less your sport looks like juggling the less directly beneficial it will be. Specific for cricketers, not so specific for curling or [...]
The topic of mental health has been stretched across many plains, and with it comes a very unnerving sound. It can instil a sense of sympathy from some, and repulsion from others. At a time melancholy was part of one's [...]
Day 1: On August 3rd, myself and a few 5EW coaches drove down to Airey's Inlet to participate in something unique, a method of life enhancement developed by a peculiar Dutchman named Wim Hof. Wim, 57, has claimed 26 world [...]