Nutrition for the soul
Food is the master of our lives. It drives celebration, commitments, tables of joy and tears of sorrow. It can lift you up higher than you have ever been, and in a swift moment have you crashing lower than you [...]
Food is the master of our lives. It drives celebration, commitments, tables of joy and tears of sorrow. It can lift you up higher than you have ever been, and in a swift moment have you crashing lower than you [...]
I remember when I got told to eat more to get leaner. It was one of those moments that seemed like an out of body experience. For so many years I’d restricted the amount of food I was eating and [...]
High School was a time when our bodies started to change from these stick-like figures into curvy, shapely things. Our hair became longer, our clothes (in my case) shorter, and our skinny legs into functional pistons. Many of my classmates’ [...]
I often hear that eating a particular way is expensive and that what we suggest to our members (Fresh Start) is not affordable long term. However, there may be a way to eating healthy on a budget. Healthy eating and [...]
Remember school? Remember that one kid who kicked everyone’s butt when it came to sports? They could out-lift, out-run, out-swim and out-do anyone. Ever wondered why despite all your effort, you could you never compete on this person’s level? It [...]
Know someone who’s always on the go? An individual with an extreme amount of motivation, unfazed by fatigue and lack of sleep? Dopamine is our neurotransmitter that instils energy, action and addiction, and is our main source of reward. Although [...]
For many of us, having a deep and complex understanding of our body and what's truly taking place inside this magical thing often happens way too late. Disease is a huge wake up call for many, allowing them to reflect [...]
We all recognise words such as Serotonin and Dopamine, but what are they? What do they do? At 5th Element Wellness, not only do we focus on gut health and particular training methods when coaching a client to results, we [...]
When I think of serotonin, I picture happiness. Big Pharma has successfully marketed serotonin as our joyful neurotransmitter. With it, thoughts of happiness, love and enjoyment are profound. Therefore, we can piece together what happens when serotonin is low, but [...]
Many of you, myself included, have spent nights tossing and turning, a hamster wheel of thoughts stopping your tired soul from sleep. It can be a frustrating process, especially when you’ve made efforts to remedy the problem, such as magnesium [...]