About David O'Brien. Fitness Director

I’ve dedicated my life to individually tailoring wellness and fitness strategies to improve peoples lives. Having spent over a decade being educated by the world leaders in their respective fields, I have gone on to combine their knowledge to successfully develop my own strategies accumulated from my learning and honed through experience. Ultimately applying holistic solutions leaving people better informed, and feeling great.

The Unexpected Key to Longevity

2024-03-28T16:39:07+11:00By |Detoxification, Mindfulness, Mobility|

If you’d have told me a few years ago that community has the highest impact on our biochemistry and our internal environment, I would’ve dismissed it immediately. Being a sceptic comes at a cost. It means you miss out on [...]

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The Science Behind: Why You Can’t Switch Off

2024-03-28T17:24:48+11:00By |Mindfulness, Nutrition & Gut Health|

Ever heard the term Allostatic Load? Not many people have. It refers to the cumulative effect of stress from the many different avenues of our lifestyle. Essentially it means wear and tear, and the heavy cost on our body from [...]

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True Survivors: What I Learned from the Inuits

2024-03-28T17:25:26+11:00By |Nutrition & Gut Health, Strength & Lean Muscle|

For a long time I've been fascinated with the Inuits of The Far North. While I'm intrigued in how all cultures have survived over time, the native people of Greenland have captivated me the most. How can anybody survive in [...]

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Liver Long and Prosper

2024-03-28T17:28:08+11:00By |Detoxification, Nutrition & Gut Health|

The liver is essentially known as the project manager of our body. At times we can simply overwhelm her with too many projects. Could you imagine a work project without the proper structure or organisation? Well, the human body is [...]

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Nourishing Foods and Gut Health

2024-03-28T17:40:21+11:00By |Nutrition & Gut Health|

Paleo, vegetarian, vegan, high fat, high carb and ketosis-just some of the terminologies you hear when it comes to nutrition. To be fair, they all have the potential to be very positive. However, this really depends on the individual, their [...]

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Lean Muscle – the Forgotten Fountain of Youth

2024-03-28T17:41:17+11:00By |Mindfulness, Nutrition & Gut Health, Strength & Lean Muscle|

It’s a shame that the concept of ‘gaining muscle’ is often accompanied by the image of a muscle bound meathead grunting while clanging tin. As a consequence, many people have been scared away from proper strength training, and in turn, [...]

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Mobility – You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone

2024-03-28T17:42:35+11:00By |Mobility|

Have you ever been channel surfing during the Olympics and landed on the weight lifting? I think everyone at some point has taken a sneak peak at that freak show! Surely I’m not the only one to notice that these [...]

Stress Management

2024-03-28T18:05:27+11:00By |Detoxification, Mindfulness, Strength & Lean Muscle|

Cortisol is the buzzword at the moment! But as with many buzzwords, do people actually understand it? Let’s try and shed some light on an area that is commonly misunderstood or not even comprehended at all. Let’s clear up one [...]

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10 Ways to Prepare for Injury Prevention

2024-03-28T18:06:26+11:00By |Mobility, Strength & Lean Muscle|

Reduce Inflammation This term is thrown around often without a real understanding of what it actually means. In simple terms, inflammation is defined as the initial response of the body to harmful stimuli. Everything from DOMS to having too many [...]

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