When I was younger, I had my fair share of allergies. I’m talking eczema, hay fever, cats, blankets, horses, sometimes even just dust! Basically there was shitloads of sneezing, itchy eyes, and rashes for days. I didn’t really think much of it. I thought it was just the way things were, and also that I’d never get a pet cat.
Fast forward to now and how things have changed. I know the truth because I’ve experienced it myself and can speak about it with absolute conviction. I know that the integrity of our gut plays a MAJOR role in defending us from harmful pathogens and bacteria, but also in protecting us from the irritating effects of allergies.
In the first part of this series we identified what leaky gut is and how it can cause problems for us, both inside and out.
Now let’s actually talk about what the main triggers are so we can set ourselves up for success, and do whatever we can to stop or greatly reduce problems from arising. The things I’m about to outline below are what I consider to be the main culprits and exacerbators of leaky gut. Most of them used to be a regular part of my repertoire. They were also the thorn in my side when it came to my gut health.
The integrity of our gut plays a MAJOR role in defending us from harmful pathogens and bacteria.
1. Gluten
This unsuspecting protein found in wheat and lots of processed foods, is one of the worst. In recent times it’s definitely developed a bad reputation. Ever heard of Zonulin? It’s a protein responsible for regulating the bond between cells that make up the lining of the gut. These cells, known as tight junctions, need to be kept strong so they can act as a protective barrier against certain molecules. Too much Zonulin release causes the junctions to become weakened and ‘leaky.’ Have a guess what stimulates its production. Here’s a clue: it rhymes with fluten. To read more, check out my other post on gluten.
2. Stress
I’m not just talking about being-stuck-in-a-traffic-jam stress. I mean CHRONIC stress. Think things like a super-hectic job, partying, girlfriend or boyfriend struggles, over exercising and under eating for extended time frames. All of these create a physiological stress response in the body, and over time this constant barrage weakens our immune system and contributes to our gut becoming leaky. Want more? Check out Dave’s post on the allostatic load.
3. Lack of sleep
This one also falls under the chronic stress banner. Remember when Mum used to tell you that you need 8 hours of sleep every night? She was right. Listen to your mother. Do whatever you can to maximise the quality of your sleep. Drink that camomile or passionflower tea. Download that app of monks chanting or waves crashing on the shoreline. Wear an eye mask. Batman cave the shit out of your room. Whatever it takes to get those delta waves flowing. And educate yourself with Holly’s post about GABA, our inhibitory neurotransmitter.
4. Alcohol
This one’s a culprit for a couple of reasons. For starters, it inhibits the secretion of digestive enzymes which means our food ain’t getting broken down properly. Booze also inhibits prostaglandin production. Prostawhaaaa? These are enzymes that regulate inflammation, which we definitely know is happening in excess with a leaky gut.
5. Coffee
It might be in your best interest to give up your morning “cup of life” for a little while (I’m sure a few people just stopped reading). While there’s a lot of evidence on the benefits of coffee, due to its high amounts of polyphenols and antioxidants, there’s also enough research out there to suggest that it can harm the gut, especially one that’s already compromised.
Coffee’s one of the most common cross reactive foods out there. What that means is that when ingested, it can easily be mistaken for gluten or other proteins that cause inflammation. On top of that, it increases stress hormone production in the body, which contributes even more to that chronic stress scenario I was outlining earlier. But don’t despair. If you do the ground work first and make an effort to heal your gut, good quality coffee is definitely something you could consume occasionally purely for its taste, rather than the fake energy it provides.
This acronym stands for non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs. Common examples of this are Panadol, aspirin and ibuprofen. Headache? Have a Panadol. Period pain? Naprogesic to the rescue. Hangover? Couple of aspirins, a Berocca and Bob’s your Uncle. This approach creates the illusion of ‘fixing’ the problem, when in actual fact it’s not addressing the root cause of why these things happen, and is essentially making things worse by further wearing down the gut lining.
Apparently crops are being sprayed for the sole purpose of ‘keeping pests away’, which ultimately results in more profit for the big corporations like Monsanto. Two in particular, known as glyphosate (found in Roundup) and bacillus thuringiensis (BT) are especially nasty. Glyphosate has been shown to alter our internal ecosystem in a negative way, making us much more susceptible to things like leaky gut and autoimmune conditions. Originally, BT was only sprayed onto crops so it could still be washed off by consumers (although I’d still be dubious about being able to remove all traces). Now it’s genetically inserted into many crops and impossible to get rid of. When an insect eats a crop containing this bacteria, its guts literally split in half. Bye bye insect. This gives you a good picture of what could be happening to our own internal environment.
In our fast-paced society, it’s easy to get caught up in the hype. This cycle of stress, perceived stress relief, then more stress, is what leads people to the point of not feeling optimal and eventually getting sick. Band-Aid solutions are not the answer. They provide temporary relief without actually addressing why the problem arose in the first place.
While removing these triggers might seem like a huge task, what it really comes down to is how much you value yourself and your health. Listen to your body. Listen to the signs it’s giving you. Don’t wait for the whispers to become screams.
Your external world is only a reflection of your internal world. To know what’s happening with your body, there’s no truer measure than blood-work. Make an appointment today by clicking here – Blood Analysis