1. Learn Real Patience

Not the kind where you look at your watch every two seconds, grit your teeth and bare it in silence, but the other kind of patience – an eternal patience that doesn’t seek the approval of others. This sort of patience is naturally built upon as you learn a new sequence or pose. You realise it’s going to take time to progress, and it’s the steady accumulation of small successes, the momentum that grows out of the endless moments which builds lasting confidence and connection with Self. Soon there is no waiting and only those string of moments.

Patience is control of the Ego, which means yoga can aid in stress management by illustrating what’s real and unreal. A steady breath is the perfect tool for a calm mind, a mind that resists the judgment of others, an inspired mind focused on personal betterment. Looking for a supplement for stress and boosting the immune system? Check out quercetin australia.

A steady breath is the perfect tool for a calm mind.

2. Learn Your Body

People go their whole lives never really knowing their body. They’re confused by it, distressed by its curves and contours, or lack thereof. It’s well acknowledged yoga improves flexibility and mobility.

A yoga mat is like a testing ground for your body’s limitations and limitlessness.

An awareness of body, and reconnection with the physical you through yoga, can help with fat loss, improve cholesterol levels, regulate blood pressure, boost your immune system, and improve resting heart rate and circulation.

Completely encompass the practice by utilising stretches and poses within your other workouts. Before cardio or weight training avoid holding poses for too long, though a few sun salutations will get the body more mobile. After your workout hold some of your favourite yin postures for a few minutes to help with recovery.

3. Learn Humility

Anyone can do yoga. Young, old, big, small – yoga doesn’t discriminate. But if you go in thinking you can do everything right away, then you’ll never come back. If you start with the knowledge that everything takes time to master, then you cannot fail. When you find it challenging to the point you want to leave the room, breathe and identify the source of these negative emotions, letting the room practice around you. When you’re ready to join back in, you can do that at anytime – yoga won’t discriminate.

How do I start?

Come to a class with no expectations, but make sure you try it more than once with different styles and different teachers. Whatever reasons bring you to yoga there’ll always be a teacher to suit your needs and personality. Some may have a more anatomical focus while others may have a more spiritual perspective.

Yoga is a very personal route that no one but you can dictate. Good luck on your journey!