Know someone who’s always on the go? An individual with an extreme amount of motivation, unfazed by fatigue and lack of sleep?

Dopamine is our neurotransmitter that instils energy, action and addiction, and is our main source of reward. Although high levels of it are common, particularly among the entrepreneurial members of society, what happens if you’re low in dopamine?

Dopamine is our neurotransmitter that instils energy, action and addiction, and is our main source of reward.

Feeling flat?

Chances are you’re failing to produce adequate amounts of dopamine. Association with illnesses such as depression are extremely common in those who have low levels, as it was the first recognised neurotransmitter in the bid to fix depressive symptoms.

Feeling flat? Chances are you’re failing to produce adequate amounts of dopamine.

Poor activity can lead to feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness, however those who struggle with dopamine production differ from those with low serotonin, as they want to do things, they simply lack the drive, whereas serotonin deficient individuals do not even have the want to do things. This lack of motivation can lead to an inability to handle stress, leaving the person vulnerable to high work loads, busy social life and training capabilities. Check out quercetin australia supplement for stress and anti-inflammatory.

Dopamine, as well as being associated with depression, is commonly known for its association with Parkinson’s disease. It’s been confirmed by science that long term dopamine deficiency has a direct correlation to Parkinson’s. With this in mind, symptoms found in the deficient person can start as innocently as shaky hands after training, something which many of our clients present with.

Are you a compulsive beginner of tasks?

The dopamine deficient client tends to be non-compliant due to their lack of motivation. This can be problematic for a client’s results. As well as their lack of drive, dopamine is heavily involved with addiction, leaving the client susceptible to reverting back to bad habits in a bid to stimulate dopamine production. It’s a vicious cycle where one wants to get results, but due to their lack of dopamine production often reach for foods, alcohol or poor lifestyle choices in order to feel somewhat better from an energy perspective.

How can you beat it?

Anemia, which starves our brains of oxygen and iron, can minimise the production of dopamine. Which could explain why those who struggle with anemia experience a loss of motivation and depression. Anemia can be easily remedied by increasing the amount of red meat in one’s diet, as well as boosting oxygen production through breathing techniques and exercise.

There’s still hope!

Despite seeing a rise in dopamine deficiency, you can work on production by including the following in your daily routine:

  • Amino Acid L-Tyrosine is the precursor for dopamine, it is most commonly found in red meat
  • B Vitamins, particularly B6, can assist with the stimulation of dopamine
  • Alpha-Lipoic Acid can add additional support to dopamine, as blood sugar imbalances pose an issue for dopamine production.