There’s that jarring, abrasive noise again. Slowly getting louder and louder. You drag your face against what feels like sandpaper and hit the snooze button. When you put your head back down, that sandpaper turns into the world’s fluffiest cloud. Sinking… into slumber… EGGHHH EGGHHH EGGHHH. You repeat this feat of bravery five times over next 30 minutes until you finally manage to drag yourself out of bed. The struggle is real.

If this describes a standard start to your day, then you’re probably in need of something. And it isn’t coffee! It could in fact, be time for you to undertake some sort of cleansing or detoxification program to help get some vitality back.

We live in a toxic world. Period. From the moment we wake up, to the moment we lay our heads down to sleep at night, we are bombarded with toxins from every angle.

It’s in the air we breathe, our skin care products, our cleaning products, the food we eat, the Tupperware containers we use, the medications we are prescribed- the list goes on.

ToxicWorldBTo paint a little bit of a picture for you, here are just a few statistics:

  • Over one billion pounds of pesticides are used annually
  • 350 pesticides alone are used on the foods we eat
  • 884 chemicals are found in the personal care products we use

This is just a tiny drop in the toxic ocean.

Now add to this your stressful job, juggling your family commitments, poor eating habits due to lack of time, and your ever growing social calendar, and basically, you’re fighting a constant uphill battle.

Your Protector, Your Saviour

It’s not all doom and gloom of course, because we have a powerful, protective weapon- the oft neglected liver.

The liver is one of our main detoxification organs and it’s reasonable to say that it cops a fair beating more often than not. When in good shape however, it has a number of important functions including production and storage of proteins, mineral storage, nutrient breakdown, and hormone production.

One of its main roles, however, is to detoxify harmful substances such as drugs, alcohol, and toxins from intestinal microbes (bugs). But as you can imagine, if it can’t do that job efficiently, then all the other functions are going to suffer, or get put on the back-burner. You need to love your liver!

When toxins build up faster than you can clear them, it can lead to all sorts of problems. Fatigue, moodiness, joint pain, digestive issues, and headaches are just a few of the symptoms one may experience. Did your liver just squeal while you read that? If left unaddressed, this toxic overload can lead to premature ageing and even degenerative disease.

Giving Your Liver a Helping Hand

From the above information, it’s clear to see that there is a strong need for helping the body do its intended job every now and then.

Cleanses allow your body to have a break from its usual stressors and concentrate on cell repair.

It’s an opportunity to clear out excess toxins, but it also gives the immune system a break and lets the body start to become more balanced again.

Some of the many benefits that can be expected include more energy, better clarity of thought, clearer skin, better moods, weight loss, and improved sleeping patterns. And that’s just to name a few. Who wouldn’t want that?

If anything you’ve read here sounds familiar and you’d like to learn more, stay tuned for part two of this series. We’ll go into detail about how to go about undertaking a cleanse and some great food and supplement ideas for liver health.

If you’ve got any questions in the meantime, don’t hesitate to contact us for a chat!

Don’t settle for less than average energy levels or constant brain fog any longer.
