We know that pills are in no way a manner of bypassing the intentional, and more timely, methods of attaining good health. Sound sleep, a nourishing, whole foods-based diet, drinking enough water and exercising regularly with the assistance of your personal trainer are very attainable keys to maintaining a healthy body.

Alas, contemporary Western living exposes us to a range of obstacles that put our mammalian structures to the test, leaving our bodies frequently depleted.


Crucial micronutrients are becoming increasingly difficult to obtain from our food sources. Monocrops and a rapid change in our farming practices that streamline efficient harvest en masse have significantly minimised our soil quality. This decline in soil quality impacts the quality of our produce – soil is our plants’ food. When they don’t have many minerals to feed them, we find ourselves with starved produce that cannot nourish us as effectively. which nourish plants and thereby nourish us when we eat them, are stripped in this process.

Our fast-paced lives of high productivity and even higher output put our bodies under constant states of stress; a physiological state that requires a lot of nutrients to sustain.

Stress responses are something that keeps us alive but is also a cascade of hormones that require a lot of energy. Stress particularly depletes our bodies of essential minerals, like magnesium and electrolytes, micronutrients that we should usually be consuming via our food and water sources. Our water supplies, though drinkable, have been treated with fluoride, chlorine and many other elements. Paired with the use of certain filters, water is even less likely to contain naturally occurring minerals.

Supplements and health foods are explosively available. Navigating labels, ingredients, reasons to take them, places to find them – gah! It is so difficult to know what, why and how when it comes to this universe.


We don’t want you to stress about how to support your body in times of stress, so we’ve created a list of our most beloved, utilised and impactful supplements. These certain supplements are what we consider to be part of our Holy Grail here at 5th Element Wellness. They have been chosen as they create a standard safety net to ensure us busy folk can reap the benefits and prevent the slow burn of depletion that we may not even realise is impacting us!

Senior Coach Harriet shares with us some information on these nutrient-gems and a little context for their function.

“For the average person living in Western society, there is so much that can deplete us…”


“We need magnesium for a lot of chemical reactions in the body to occur – we need it to create energy”

Our metabolism of things like carbohydrates into ATP (our energy molecule) relies on magnesium. This magic mineral calms the nervous and muscular system and is heavily relied upon during times of stress when our energy demands are high.

Fusion Magnesium

An easily digested form of magnesium, such as a glycinate, will be lapped up by your body. Fusion Magnesium is a brilliant starting point and is always on hand at 5EW.


“Think of electrolytes as how we absorb and utilise water properly, how we hydrate our cells”

Electrolytes help to manage the flow of fluid between and inside our cells. It is important that this flow is balanced to allow for proper cell function; this allows our cells to communicate. In times of stress, we call upon our electrolytes to manage the flow of this fluid, (our cells are working very hard!) and supplementing with an electrolyte helps us to feel better during these times.

Synerplex Revive Electrolytes

This is an incredible blend of phosphorous, magnesium, chloride, sodium and potassium to maintain this artful cellular balance, without any additives or sweeteners commonly found in sports drinks. Strenuous exercise, regular sauna use and extended periods of time in hot climates will see mineral-based electrolytes assist in rehydrating your body rapidly and efficiently.


“Here we have a molecule of zinc bound to a molecule of the amino acid, carnosine. This helps to keep zinc in our gut for a longer period of time so it can works it’s magic on our gut lining”

Zinc in this form is fantastic for the repair of hyperpermeability* of the gut and has an antibacterial action on the G.I tract. This is very healing for the gut lining. Doctor’s Best PepZincGI is our go-to support for healthy mucous secretions… in other words, a happy, moisturised and elasticised belly!

*Holes which form in the gut lining and allow things like food molecules to flow into the bloodstream, causing irritation. Read “Does Your Gut Have Holes In It?” for some further insights


“The best way to get Vitamin C is through whole food sources. Kakadu plum as a powder provides us with Vitamin C from food and in a large dose.”

Often, supplemental forms of Vitamin C do not function as effectively as we’d like – enter stage left, Kakadu Plum, an Australian native plant that boasts incredibly high levels of Vitamin C.

Vitamin C functions as an antioxidant, assisting in our stress response as our adrenals chug along, and also aids in the production of collagen. This is a key player in the structure and function of our skin, joints, gut lining, and immune system. Phwoar!

Kakadu Plum Co dehydrate and mill the whole fruit and seeds into their much loved Kakadu Plum Powder. This positively flies off the shelf at 5EW!

We are currently awaiting their 2020 harvest, please contact reception via email (reception@5ew.com.au) to join our waitlist!


“In the West, we tend to consume a diet that is high in Omega-6 fatty acids from grains, seeds and things like grain-fed meats.”

It is important to balance our ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids for optimal health, as an elevated intake of Omega-6 can contribute to elevated inflammatory precursors. Supplementing with a high-grade fish oil can assist this balance, along with supporting brain and skin health.

Poliquin OPTI-EFA Liquid is a pharmaceutical-grade fish oil with both EPA and DHA to support the brain and skin. It is also great for rebuilding the healthy cell wall of the gut lining.


“This amino acid plays many roles in the body, notably supporting the immune system and repairing the gut lining.”

For anyone who has journeyed on a healing gut protocol, glutamine probably made an appearance. “It is an essential amino acid produced by the body with a far-reaching impact on the integrity of the gut lining.” It also improves nitrogen balance in lean muscle mass and supports collagen synthesis.

We adore 180 Nutrition L-Glutamine Powder and add it to our post-workout protein shakes. It is flavourless and won’t detract from your tasty smoothies or can simply be mixed in a glass of water.

As for some delightful extras

  • 180 Nutrition Organic Greens Plus is great for a boost of antioxidants,
  • Grants Liquid Chlorophyll soothes digestion with its vitamin and mineral profile and
  • Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar can be great for stimulating some enzymatic activity to help you process your meals.

There you have it, our golden children. A few of the favourites.

Download our free holy grail of smart supplement list here.

Of course, like any experience when diving into health, individual needs will always vary.

Please reach out to us if you’d like more tailored and nuanced guidance.

We would love to help you!