Let’s face it. We have been socially conditioned by the media, social media and Hollywood that how we look, is a priority. And while I personally don’t think that there’s anything wrong with caring about our physical appearance, I do think, we (especially us women) need to be smarter about how we are tackling this ‘need’, and reconsider the approaches to enhance our ‘outer beauty.’
Being Flawless is Skin Deep
The quest to ‘glow up’ and be flawless, can feel like a never-ending quest, and to get to that glowing complexion, we have to look beyond extensive beauty regimes, organic face serums and extracts and get real.
Like our skin, especially the skin on our face, is one we can’t hide from. It’s there for all the world to see.
I have to admit, I’ve been very blessed with clear skin on my face for most of my life. But I certainly remember how it felt when I did have the odd pimple pop up because it would usually plonk itself right in between my eyes, or in the middle of my forehead. I also suffered from eczema as a child, usually in the creases of my elbows and my knees, which was painful at times.
The most common types of skin conditions include acne, eczema, and rosacea. And while all are slightly different, the manifestation of these skin conditions, are different types of ways that our body’ is telling us that it needs some extra help clearing excess toxins.
Because guess what? When our detox organs, especially the liver, are under the pump, it calls on one of our other detox organs for some backup. Which unfortunately for us, it is our skin.
When acne appears, it tends to be more of a hormonal issue (estrogen or androgen dominance), Whereas, inflammatory responses such as; eczema and rosacea are actually the results of an overactive immune response due to altered gut bacteria, parasites, or intestinal hyperpermeability.
So instead of lathering our skin with oils and serums to fix the problem, the real logic is to start addressing what your skin is telling you, by looking under the hood and working out how we can start really to heal these hormones and gut issues.
Estrogen and testosterone are both very important hormones, and whether you are male or female, too much of something can start to create problems. It is the role of the liver (and the gut) to remove excess estrogens from the body. This clearance is usually done via the bowels. However, if the rate of removal isn’t quick or efficient enough, estrogen levels get higher, and all sorts of issues can start to arise.
For females, excess estrogen may present as painful, irregular periods and weight gain, and for men, it may be the dreaded ‘man boobs’. When estrogen is too high, it means that progesterone will be low in relation to it. This irregular ratio of estrogen and progesterone has a negative impact on an enzyme called 5 alpha-reductase, whose key role is to prevent testosterone from converting to something known as DHT.
(Okay, we’re about to get into the science here, so bear with me!)
If DHT levels rise (which happens when progesterone is low) it increases the production of sebum, which makes the skin more oily and can result in clogged pores, and eventually lead to acne.
If you want to go a little deeper into the gut-skin-brain axis, here’s a link for you to start the deep dive into the mounting number of research on the topic.
When we are exposed to inflammatory foods like gluten, processed sugar, and poor quality dairy, or we have mental or emotional stress going on, it causes our gut lining to become more permeable, which can lead to a thing called Leaky Gut Syndrome.
Leaky gut syndrome means that toxins and undigested food particles can get into the bloodstream and create immune hyperactivity, which can show up as a number of different symptoms, with, you guessed it – skin conditions being one of them.
So, if you are someone who currently struggles with, acne or any of the skin disorders mentioned, here are my top 4 easy-to-implement recommendations to start clearing up your skin from the inside out:
- Rethink beauty products -The cycle of using ‘beauty products’ can do more harm than good. There are so many toxins in beauty and body care products. Read “Low Tox Living – Beauty can be a Beast Part 2’ this blog and learn the easy to implement tips on how to reduce your skin’s toxic load.
- Remove gluten –As mentioned above, because of its impact on gut health, make the switch to healthy gluten-free options and try to stick to more whole food options
- Manage emotional stress -Find your tribe and love them hard. Choose to surround yourself with people who inspire and challenge you in a positive way, rather than those who drain your energy and leave you feeling depleted #energyvampires
- Reduce your exposure to xenoestrogens – These guys are found in loads of everyday items and are known endocrine disruptors, which means that they upset our hormonal balance and ultimately end up causing estrogen dominance. Read more here.
Hopefully, you can start to see that skin health runs so much deeper than what’s on the surface. In saying that, It’s super important to use skincare products that are aligned with your goal of beautifully vibrant skin.
However, the most conventional skincare brands contain toxins like phthalates and PCBs which contribute to the estrogen overload I mentioned above.
If you want your skin to shine and your gut to be balanced, but love using skincare products we recommend natural brands like Mukti Organics or Dusk by Adele.
So the best way to really get clear skin?
Clean up your gut and helping to support your body’s detoxification pathways.
At 5th Element Wellness, we’ve helped hundreds of clients and women breakthrough chronic skin disorders and rebalance their hormone rebalancing through our comprehensive health, fitness and wellness services with the help of your personal trainer.
If you’re interested in getting your glow up, holistically – please email reception@5ew.com.au.