I’ve been asked so many times where Dave and I eat out. I thought it was time to document it.

I’ve compiled a list of the best places to dine out in Melbourne that still aligns with our food guidelines. This should help you stay on the health bandwagon and not undo all that hard work.

When people join our gym, 95% of the time they have some sort of body composition goal they want to achieve. I believe that creating new habits consistently is the key to them achieving this goal. Healthy nutrition habits are going to be far more effective for producing results than the age old approach of trying to “out train a bad diet”.

Deciding to do something about your heath and wellbeing shouldn’t mean that you have to become a social recluse and never leave the house again. Setting yourself up for success, however, by researching places to eat out, is a great way to make sure all your efforts won’t be in vain.

Deciding to do something about your heath and wellbeing shouldn’t mean that you have to become a social recluse and never leave the house again.

Lucky I’ve done the research for you.

All you have to do now is read the list below and then make sure you gravitate to these places when you eat out.


Breakfast is definitely the easiest meal to eat out. If worst comes to worst, you could pretty much walk into any café, order a bunch of sides, and know it’s a great choice. But there are many a health food café popping up now and here’s my top 5:


This is usually one that you want to be able to have on the run (slow down tiger – we’re all about mindful eating too) or as a takeaway option. Sometimes we tend to skip out on lunch because our work day takes over, but if you truly want to get on top of your health and body composition, this is a meal that should never be missed. My top 5:


I hear a few of my clients and members say that they struggle to have a social life when first embarking on their new health journey. While it can be challenging initially to tweak social habits, it’s definitely not impossible and gets easier as people start to reap the rewards of improved energy and a tighter midline. Dinner is probably one that does take a little more planning, but if you make the effort and have supportive friends, they should be happy for you to choose the venue. Here’s my top 5:

Hopefully this list will make life a little easier for you next time you choose to dine out. Healthy eating doesn’t have to be boring! There are loads of awesome places to choose from around Melbourne. Perspective is key.

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be boring!

If you’re on a journey of growth and transformation, look forward with positivity. Focus on all the amazing deliciousness you can have, not what you’re missing out on!