People talk about health as being sort of one dimensional. Stay away from junk food and exercise everyday and there you go: health.

We’re learning more and more about other contributors, such as stress and lifestyle factors (click here and here to get up to speed), but what about spiritual health? Have you ever pondered the meaning of your existence? This is the first part in a series, and my focus here is merely to introduce the mystical properties and not-so-mystical properties of your being.

I hope there’s more to life than lifting weights and eating food, even though these are my favourite things. It must be noted that a ‘favourite thing’ only exists in a physical realm and any kind of duality or preferentialism would cease to exist among higher frequencies. Do you follow me? Let’s talk about purity.

As a disclaimer, some of the following theories and ideas are premature by boring social standards. If you’re someone who needs things cold and hard, consider this article sci-fi and sit back and be entertained on that level, but if you’re open to new concepts, hello, it must feel great to be ready to evolve beyond basic health modalities.

My hero Carl Jung said,

‘I cannot employ the language of science to trace this process of growth in myself, for I cannot experience myself as a scientific problem’,

as well as,

‘(We, us, human beings) can only be expressed by way of myth. Myth is more individual and expresses life more precisely than does science’.

Jung is referencing mythology, the stories and teachings passed down by ancient civilisations. This knowledge still has great relevance today because nothing has really changed, thanks to the ever-enduring intelligence of the human heart. Sometimes we just know, right.

I’m interested in the Pineal Gland. You may have heard it praised as the 6th Chakra, Third Eye or Mind’s eye. It’s a pea-sized protuberance jammed between the two hemispheres of the brain. The Pineal is hooked up to the endocrine system or hormonal system, and is responsible for releasing melatonin (time to sleep and rejuvenate) and serotonin (time to be happy and alive). Of all the glands, the Pineal Gland’s role was the last to be determined, almost like we were resisting this unfathomable part of ourselves.

Curiously, it’s shaped like a pine cone, after which it was named. Curious because a pinecone clearly displays the rule of the Fibonacci Sequence, a numerical equation in which the whole of life emanates, basically a formula for outward consummation of space, numbers doubling up like cascading flower petals. Maybe you know it as the Golden Ratio, in which beauty’s objective (not subjective) origin can be traced back to. Why are we drawn to some things over others? It’s possible you’re looking at a clearer representation of the Fibonacci Sequence. What makes the Mona Lisa ‘better’ than your kid’s painting on the fridge? Isn’t it curious that we have something ‘universally perfect’ right in the geometric centre of our brain?

The Pineal has a lens, cornea and retina, is comprised of rods and cones – the same material that makes up an eyeball – and shares the same circuitry to the visual cortex of the brain. It’s shrouded in a reservoir of water containing crystals with piezoelectric properties. This means it produces an electric current as well as being sensitive to electro-magnetic signalling external to the body.

How can we conjure images with our eyes wedged shut? How can we dream up anything, asleep or awake? Is this why the ancients revered it as the Third Eye? Is the Pineal a transmitter to a universe beyond human sensory perception? Of course, there are more questions here than answers and when you introduce Dimethyltryptamine or DMT, a neurotransmitter speculated to be produced by the Pineal and known to have a psychoactive affect on the human mind, things get even more curios-errr.

The Pineal Gland shares the same circuitry as your eyeball to the visual cortex of your brain. Wow.

What isn’t curious, or what is known to be scientific fact, is that the sun has a provocative relationship with the Pineal. Sun exposure regulates our circadian rhythm, which maintains a comfortable interplay between cortisol and melatonin, giving us life during the day and restoring us at night. The sun uses light energy, a resource beyond our current scope of sustenance, and employs photosynthesis to sprinkle the soil with carbohydrates, a resource we can recognise. To refine this resource, animals, like ruminants, ingest the grasses and vegetables and present them to us in an even more enriching and bioavailable form known as animal protein. Go and eat some, ethically.

Sun exposure regulates our circadian rhythm, giving us life during the day and restoring us at night.

Without the sun there’d be no source or circulation of energy and we’d be zombies. Therefore, we must conclude that the sun is God, brining us into existence and defining our evolution from afar, heightening our level of vitality. And if this is so, if the sun rules our physical bodies, can it also rule our metaphysical bodies, our level of awareness and ascension?

Quantum physics posits that the atom, those impossibly tiny units of which we’re composed, is made up of 99.9999999% (there could be more nines here) of what we consider to be ‘space’, but which is actually photons or light particles. We are light beings, electro-magnetic beings! Doesn’t that feel liberating.

Remember the piezoelectric properties and their reaction to external electro-magnetism? Can the sun, like a giant motherboard, erect and arouse the collective antennae that is the human Pineal Gland, stimulating wavering levels of consciousness? Very curious.

And if the sun’s relationship with our planet is constantly changing due to solar cycles and planetary shifts and magnetic storms and solar flares, could we assume that human consciousness reacts symbiotically? This explains the concept of the Iron, Bronze, Silver and Golden ages, in which technology and intelligence is found and then lost again in a never ending cycle (the real story of humanity – quite different to the linear model of human advancement in which our egos enjoy). Very very curious.

When people talk about health, they’re talking about that 0.00000001% (there could be more zeros here) of matter. Let’s admit defeat and start to focus on the rest.

In the next part to this series we’ll be discussing calcification, fluoride and spiritual suffocation.

But now, go turn your precious gland to the sun. Sunburn is the least of your worries.