Remember when you were a kid at the dinner table and your parents forced you to eat your greens? That may have been some of the smartest advice they gave you. Green vegetables are obviously a major component of good nutrition. But is there a method to get more from greens, even while maintaining your daily intake?
Enter the green supplement.
An article in the Journal of Experimental Therapeutics and Oncology showed that when nutrients are combined in their natural state, they work synergistically to become highly absorbable and bioavailable. In other words, they can be used in your body more effectively, in this case to prevent cancer growth.
This is why green supplements are so powerful. By reducing inflammation, fighting free radicals and stimulating the body’s detoxification pathways, a green supplement can have amazing benefits to many of the wellness concepts that our coaches teach. Dealing with stress and wanted to boost your immune system, check out quercetin australia supplement.
Did you know exercise makes you acidic?
Regular exercise with a high protein intake has enormous benefits, however intense exercise can create a potential acidic state in the body. Combined with the toxic suburban environment in which we live, this can cause many problems, such as inflammation and disease.
Taking a green supplement will help neutralise this acidity with an abundance of potent alkalising phytonutrients. This helps to drop body fat while preserving muscle mass and bone density, which measurably enhances recovery.
Your grandad was healthier than you
It’s not just because he walked 15 miles to and from school each day. A key reason he was healthier was because today’s produce has far less nutrients than 50 years ago.
In many cases our modern agriculture practices have radically diminished nutrient density in food. For example, GMO corn is 437 times lower in calcium than non-GMO corn. From your own experience, think of a big red, succulent heirloom tomato straight from the garden. It’s a completely different vegetable from the watery, almost crisp tomatoes from the supermarket that are designed to last weeks from the farm to your refrigerator.
Combined with poor nutrient absorption due to stress, a disrupted gut and an overly busy lifestyle, it’s increasingly difficult to obtain our daily dosage of green goodness. A greens supplement allows us to get the huge spectrum of phytonutrients we need to embody wellness. This of course, should not replace your intake of fresh fruits and veggies, ideally organic.
A greens supplement allows us to get the huge spectrum of phytonutrients we need to embody wellness.
The key benefits
What Do We Recommend?
With an abundance of green supplements on offer, it can be difficult to choose the right one.
Is an edible blue-green algae, rich in anti-inflammatory and detoxifying nutrients. It is 60% protein by weight and a rich source of iron, Vitamins A, D, E & B (including B12). Most coaches at 5EW aim for five grams (one teaspoon) each day.
Barley Grass
An incredibly powerful alkalizing agent rich in chlorophyll. It contains high levels of antioxidants and trace minerals, such as magnesium. Two to three teaspoons in water provides an easy cleanse to start the day.
Wheat Grass
Another green drink that also helps to buffer acid and restore the body to a neutral pH level. It’s loaded with the electrolyte potassium and contains more non-heme iron than spinach.
Poliquin Wellness Greens – Our favorite and most popular
It’s a potent blend of nutrient dense plants, herbal extracts, digestive enzymes and probiotics, antioxidants and phytonutrients. It contains 15 certified organic foods and 70 ionic trace minerals that assist the body’s vital functions. The espresso flavour tastes amazing and it’s a perfect replacement for that morning coffee (find out why coffee may not be all it’s cracked up to be).
It’s best to take the green superfoods in the morning on an empty stomach to prepare the digestive system for breakfast and optimize your nutrient absorption for the day.
We should be obtaining all our nutrients from fresh foods, moving our bodies often throughout the day, breathing clean air and drinking pure water. However we don’t live in a perfect world. Our busy lifestyles sequester us from wild, nutrient dense foods and expose us to an abundance of toxins in our air, water, food, toiletries, etc., and our ancestral bodies just aren’t coping. We may have gone from being cavemen to landing on the moon, but we are very much the same bodies as those cavemen.
So to give ourselves a chance to thrive in this environment in which we choose to live, we need to up the ante in total body defense. Ramping up your detoxification, immunity and metabolism, there’s no doubt a green drink is a wise choice that can fast track you towards your health goals.
If you’d like to find out what supplement would be of most benefit to you, drop us a line, or come into our centre, we have all of the above green supplements in stock.
Further Reading:
Faroqi et al. Shattering the underpinnings of neoplastic architecture in LNCap: synergistic potential of nutraceuticals in dampening PDGFR/EGFR signaling and cellular proliferation. Journal of Experimental Therapeutics & Oncology 2011:
Robergs R.A., Ghiasvand F., Daryl Parker Biochemistry of exercise-induced metabolic acidosis. American Journal of Physiology 2004:
Lai et al. Preventing bone loss & weight gain with combinations of Vitamin D and phytochemicals. Journal of Medicinal Food 2011:
Mercola. Breeding the nutrition out of our food. Dr Mercola Blog 2013:
Nutritional information. Australian Spirulina:
Barley leaf nutritional analyses. GoGreen 2002:
Wheatgrass nutrients. GoGreen: