The liver is essentially known as the project manager of our body. At times, we overwhelm our body with too many projects. Could you imagine a work project without structure or organization? Well, imagine that scenario inside your body!

It is often like internal anarchy within our bodies in this day and age.

Time for a bit of a reshuffle! The toxin list is long: insecticides, pesticides, food additives, drugs, alcohol, medications, and pollutants just to name a few.

Let’s step back and look at a small insight into this working structure;

Toxins are fat soluble, in order to get these nasties out we have to break them down into water-soluble and excrete via the obvious exit doors. Who does this job for us? The liver!

We call this detoxification pathway phase 1&2 liver detox. Phase 1 processes free radicals pre-produced by the liver, these are then rendered harmless and eliminated in the phase 2 process. The importance of this rings true when we look at battling chronic illnesses such as cancer, fat storage, digestive strain and long-term sustainable health.

However, this is not going to be a liver detoxification science lesson, we’ll save that for next time…

Now how can we kick start this process? Obviously, you could do a cleanse. However, this has to be carefully structured and tailored for each individual. Luckily we can do exactly that. Whilst you need to be careful of fad cleanses and cookie cut processes, it’s always safe to say that exercise and sweating will help with expelling toxins.

The key to helping your body ‘get things done’ is to kick start this phase 1 & phase 2 liver detox process. However it can be complex, and you need to make sure that the liver has the right people working for him. Magnesium and powerful antioxidants like Vitamin C, E and Glutathione are the perfect start.

This is a process people need to take seriously, and under our roof, we feel like we have all the available resources to educate and apply.

Where to begin? We get nearly all of our clients on a ‘Fresh Start’ eating plan, which essentially means removing all foods that cause inflammation. Also hot yoga under infrared panels gets your blood circulating and will have you perspiring. And definitely, one of our favourites for an ultra effect detox is the infrared sauna!

Help your liver, and you will have structure and order. This can only equal longevity and happiness as your body functions better.

Live long.

Contact us if you’d like a consultation to go into more depth and design a personal plan with you.