The holistic approach to nutrition is a comprehensive and integrative approach that considers all aspects of an individual’s diet, lifestyle, personal trainer, and environment. It is based on the belief that optimal health can only be achieved by considering the whole person, not just isolated nutrients or specific foods.

It recognizes that the body is a complex system that works synergistically to maintain health and prevent disease. A holistic approach to nutrition also acknowledges that the body is influenced by various factors, including genetics, lifestyle choices, environmental toxins, and other elements. For this reason, the holistic approach considers the characteristics of an individual’s life when developing nutritional recommendations.

What happens when we don’t get the nutrients we need?

Nutritionist with nutrient intake concept

We all know that eating high processed or junk food in excess can lead to serious adverse effects on your health. But what people may not realise is that if we eat common foods that are considered ‘healthy’ but aren’t meeting the body’s baseline nutritional requirements.

When we aren’t getting the nutrients we need from the food we eat, it can range from minor problems, such as indigestion, to more severe conditions, such as heart disease or obesity.

Here are other expected consequences of unhealthy eating:

shocked woman surrounded by unhealthy foods

1. High-level of stress: Imbalanced diet can lead to increased levels of internal stress. This is because low-nutrient foods are often high in sugar and fat, which can cause blood sugar levels to fluctuate, which can lead us to experience daily energy crashes at 11 am and 3 pm and a significant contributor to feeling anxiety or irritability.

2. Inflammation: Unhealthy foods can cause inflammation in the body, which manifests in the form of bloating, feeling sluggish, skin conditions, and brain fog, to name a few.

3. Unbalanced Blood Sugar: Feeling like you need another coffee or a piece of chocolate at 3 pm? Imbalanced nutrition can lead to exaggerated high and low blood sugar patterns, which causes cravings, imbalance of energy, feeling tired, mood swings, and having trouble concentrating.

These are just a few of the unwanted effects that unbalanced nutrition can have on our bodies. But it doesn’t have to be this way! Having an efficient amount of nutrients in your diet can help to reduce these problems and promote an overall healthy lifestyle.

Tips for Starting a Healthy Nutritional Journey

woman eating healthy foods

1) Set small, achievable goals. Trying to make too many changes at once is often overwhelming and can lead to failure. Start by focusing on one or two healthy habits you would like to adopt, such as eating breakfast every day or drinking more water. Once you have successfully incorporated these into

2) Find a support system. It can be helpful to have someone help you on your journey to healthier eating. This could be a friend, family member, or registered dietitian. Having someone to provide support and encouragement can make all the difference in your success.

3) Educate yourself. Learning about nutrition and healthy eating is integral to making lasting changes. Many resources, such as books, websites, and articles, are available to help you learn more about making healthy choices.

4) Be patient with yourself. Making changes to your diet takes time and effort. Don’t get discouraged if you slip up or have trouble sticking to your goals. Just keep trying, and eventually, you will find the path that works best for you.

5) Reward yourself. When you reach a goal, reward yourself with something healthy and enjoyable, such as a new book, a day at the spa, or a night out with friends. This will help you stay motivated and keep moving forward on your journey.

Better, Sustainable Food Choices

woman choosing between burger and veggies

At 5th Element Wellness, we believe that making better food choices is good for your health and the environment. Therefore, we strive to support sustainable, environmentally-friendly practices in the food industry.

We believe that everyone has the right to know where their food comes from and how it is produced. We believe in transparency and accountability in the food industry, and we support policies that promote these values.

5th Element Wellness provides toolkits to combat these issues through:

  • Teaching you what foods shall be on your plate and in what portion sizes
  • Learning the correct quantity of food at each meal
  • How authentic you should eat and when
  • Understand that each food category is essential and why it’s important

Nutritional Philosophy of 5th Element Wellness

5th Element Wellness’s healthy philosophy is simple: eat natural, whole foods minimally processed and as close to nature as possible. We believe that the best way to achieve optimal health is through a diet of nutrient-rich, unprocessed foods.

We believe that food should be nourishing, not just for the body but also for the soul. Therefore, we believe in eating mindfully, savouring each bite, and genuinely enjoying the experience of eating healthy, delicious food.